Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012


The buttons of the meowBG gui seemed a little too heterogeneous, since I downloaded their graphics from different sites. So I decided to try something completely different: Meme buttons.

For the three buttons I have, two choices were pretty obvious: The challenge accepted meme for the accept button and the "NO" meme for the reject button. But which one to pick for the undo button? That was a tricky one, and I finally picked the Neil deGrasse Tyson Reaction meme, which allows for the alternative interpretation "Oops, I'll probably take that one back".

I plan to make the memes an optional button layout eventually, since the crowds of people using my program may prefer less distracting icons.

Now how about changing the name of my app to "memeowbg" or "me²owbg" ... or, since the intersection of people loving those memes and people loving backgammon is probably {me}, even "{me}me²owbg" ... ah, never mind.

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